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Cum scap de Cartiza ?

#21 Useril este offline   Piscotel 

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Postat 06 March 2011 - 11:40 AM

Vezi postareaMutti, la 06 March 2011 - 08:07 AM, a spus:

Maya , cum ajuta moristile? Vibreaza cumva si percep cartitzele asta? sau aud zgomotul?

, cum se folosesc capacanele alea? se baga in pamant? si cum prind ele cartitza?

Da vibreaza si cartitele urasc vibratiile.
Unii pun sticle de plastic pe bete.Au acelasi rol,dar nu sunt nici pe departe estetice.
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#22 Useril este offline   Piscotel 

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Postat 06 March 2011 - 11:45 AM

Vezi postareaUma, la 06 March 2011 - 12:25 AM, a spus:

Succes la gasit de morisi! Ar fi minunat sa scapi de ele asa, fara ...alea , alea Imagine postata

Edit: Guma de mestecat (desfacuta din pachet, pusa in gaura facuta de rodent Imagine postata!!
Uite, daca nu ma crezi "GUM is useful for warding off the tunneling rodents. Place an unwrapped stick of gum down the hole the gopher has made and you will find the gopher quickly vacating the area."
Si alte idei:

"Using glass milk bottle, dig holes in the soil and insert the milk bottle so that just the neck sticks out. Do this anywhere that you want the moles to keep away from, and where you know that they are living right now. The noise created by the wind blowing over the bottle necks will drive the Moles mad. They will pack up and move to another home away from the milk bottles.

Here is another thing that Moles dislike: Eucalyptus leaves. You can buy eucalyptus leaves from herbal stores, home centers and some flower shops. Push the leaves down the holes that the little moles have left behind.

If you are an experienced gardener, you may already know that Moles will damage and eats the roots of your cultivated plants in the garden. Next time you are digging a trench to plant your young seedlings be sure to line it with fine gauge wire netting so that the mole will not be able to 'get to' your plants.

Moles also hate vibration. So another great idea is to buy a few children's pinwheels. The type that move around in the wind. Place them around your garden where moles are a problem and you find that they will be soon heading elsewhere.

Do you know someone that clips their dog hair. If so ask them for some of the dog hair. Stuff the dog hair down the mole holes. The moles will hate it"

Uma ,
Le pun si guma si frunze de eucalipt.
Cat despre la 3 mate ,un canich si un mioritic,am atata par de pot sa le tricotez
fulare,fuioare,franghii.Imagine postata

Mersi de sfaturi.Imagine postata
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#23 Useril este offline   Alexandru 

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Postat 06 March 2011 - 11:54 AM

Vezi postareaMutti, la 06 March 2011 - 08:07 AM, a spus:

Alexandru , cum se folosesc capacanele alea? se baga in pamant? si cum prind ele cartitza?
Nu faceti aceeasi prostie de doua ori, sunt atat de multe prostii noi de facut!

#24 Useril este offline   Maya 

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Postat 06 March 2011 - 02:54 PM

Mutti,daca o sa-ti pui vreo morisca de aia,o sa vezi ca la cea mai mica adiere de vînt,începe a se roti cu viteza si scoate un sunet usor vibrant :huh:
Deloc deranjant pentru oameni,pisici si restul...însa cîrtitele urasc acest zgomot.Mai ales ca e asa întrerupt...dupa cum adie vîntul.Daca ar fi continuu s-ar obisnui :rolleyes:

Cele mai bune sînt alea din material ca fîshul,ca fac mai mult zgomot :hungry:
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